

I have been undertaking research for this project, ive looked on Adrian Hicks own website and found out that we are not the first film crew he has been working with.

Some of the videos i have put on this site were leaked around October time, it was not meant to be released until December but the production company and Adrian decided to leave it up but they still plan to release the final cut in December.

I have also found out from Adrian about a UFO/Cropcircle researcher called Colin Andrews his website deals with UFOS Crop circles and other strange phenomena. 

Posted by Andrew Ryder

 The Drake Equation - This is a scientific equation used to roughly work out how many extraterrestrial civilisations there may be in the Milky Way.

N = R^{\ast} \times f_p \times n_e \times f_{\ell} \times f_i \times f_c \times L \!


N is the number of civilisations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible;


R* is the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy
fp is the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne is the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
f is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
fi is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
fc is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

There are many opposing values that can be added to this equation some are optimistic theorising that there could be up to 5000 civilisations, some are very pessimistic finding around 0.05 civilisations. however the values used by Drake and his collegues in 1961 find that there are rough;y 10 other extraterrestrial civilisations.

Posted by Tim Ingram

Family in Wales who had a close encounter when something from above attached itself to their car and then they don't remember anything else. The Father was later reported that an 'unidentified black object' fell from his tooth whilst at the dentist. Later that night another man claims to have a seen a craft in the sky along the same road.

Posted by Andy Wardle

1976 - Mr. Pratt and Mrs. Bowle: They saw aliens in a field near the Chilcomb army base.

We have since been contacted by a James D who provided an artists impression from a book he has owned since a child called UFOs, it also features a discription of said event.

Posted by Andy Wardle


British UFO research association:

Posted by Andy Wardle

UFO sighting in England Video:

Posted by Andy Wardle

Ministry of defence X-files:

Posted by Andy Wardle

Classification of alien sightings or abductions: 15-20 reports of alien sightings are made per day.

Posted by Andy Wardle

UFO conference in America - British guest speakers -

Paul McCarty (UK) – Extra Terrestrial connections – New Paradigm / New Approaches -

Gary Heseltine (UK) – The History of British Police UFO SightingGary -

Posted by Andy Wardle

Alien encounters website:

Famous people who have seen UFOs: William Shatner, Dan Aykroyd, Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Mick Jagger, John Lennon

Information on UFO cults and the famous UFO and alien abduction stories.

Posted by Andy Wardle

UK UFO website -

Posted by Andy Wardle

Rendlesham Forrest incident -

 Posted by Andy Wardle

Alien Adrian saw is indentified as a Pleiadian:

They come in love

 Posted by Andy Wardle

Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious World:

In this books UFO section Clarke states Britian and American UFO sightings.

On 18th January 1979 'For a few hours that evening, however the House of Lords, the august but unconventional Upper House of the British Parliament turned from the depressing affairs of the omment to consider a controversy that had been raging outside its neo-gothic chamber for more than a generation.'

He goes on to state that it was the Earl of Clancarty who began the debate on UFOs. All over Britian on New years eve strange lights had been seen in the sky and some described as flaming spacecraft 'complete with brightly lit portholes, flying eerily over the snowy midnight landscape.'

In Italy UFO sightings had reached a near epidemic proportion, with news and television headlining the 300yd long fiery craft spotted by naval officers rising out of the Adriatic. In New Zealand an Australian television reporter and his film crew described a terrifying night flight alongside a UFO.

'Lord Clancarty author of several books on UFOs and well known in Britain for his conention that there are holes at the Earth's poles which could serve as UFO ases, initiated the debate.' He had two requests: first that the British government prepared the citizens for the coming of UFOs and secondly he called on authorities to press for a worldwide governmental study of UFOs so that the results could be passed onto the public.

There are two schools of thought about UFOs: believers, and those who thought there was something strange an unexplained in the sky, but not necessarily alien spacecraft. In Lord Clancarty's debate his main concern was that UFOs had been seen by so many sincere and ordinary people and alos including trained observers, such as pilots, coastguards, police officers, radar operators and at least eight astronomers. These reports all came in describing different shapes and sizes.

At the end of Lord Clancarty's debate nothing more conrete had been achieved than the setting up of  a House of Lords UFO study group and an airing of views.

The book also states the case of Kenneth Arnold:

Now living in a retirement home in the Idaho America. His experience led to the use of phrase 'flying saucer'. His sighting took place on 24th June 1947.

'On that day, Kenneth Arnold had finished a job at Chehalis Airport in Washington State. There was time to spare before he needed to return home to Boise and he therefor decided to spend and hour or soon his return journey searching for the wreck of a Marine C 46 aircrfat that had crashed in the area,'

On his second look over the mountain a 'Terffically bright flash hit the sky and it lit up the inside of my airplane, lit up the wings, and it actualy lit up all the area around me, almot like an explosion, only it was a bluish-white flash. Now this was the middle of the afternoon. I'm flying at the mountain with the sun at my back: in other words, I had wonderful visiblity and at that altitude the whole world below you looks like a giatn swimming pool. It's very distinct, and it was a beautiful bright day. Anyhow, I had assumd quickly... that some military boy with a P51 had dove over my nose, and the sun was reflecting from his wings back on to me. And I looked all around and coulnd;t see anybody, and then the flash hit again, and then of course, I looked off the the left in the vicinity of Mount Baker. And here comes a chain of very peculiar-looking aircraft. They were flying rather erratocally, but they were flying, I knew, at a tremendous speed'.

'I estimated their wing-span as being at approximately a 100ft span at least, and probably a little more. They were flying quite close to the mountain tops, and actually they were flying at my altitude because they were on the horizon to me, and, being on the horizon, I knew that their flightpath was approximately 9,200 to 9,500ft. There were nine of them'.

Fearing he'd spotted an unknown Russain weapon he reported his sighting. When word got out of Arnold's sighting the press interviewed him, in an interview he was asked "How did they fly?" he replied "They flew, like you'd take a saucer and skip it across the water, and it would flutter erratically. Only these things kept going'. The following day the newspaper headline read 'Flying saucers', Arnold's story and the paper reports captured the public imagination and started a worldwide craze.

Posted by Andy Wardle


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